Visit Colonial Cirebon

The great original content of "Colonial Cirebon, a romantic experience from the good olden days"
by drs (MSc) Dirk Teeuwen, Holland

Picture 1. Balai Kota, City Hall along Jalan Siliwangi (formerly Kadjaksanweg), an architectural masterpiece in a mixture of Amsterdam (business-like) style and frivolous art deco. A creation of the Dutch architect J. J. Jiskoot, 1927. Cirebon is known as Prawn City, Kota Udang. Large plaster stucco prawns are visible around the top of the building
Cirebon was, in days gone by, the capital of a sultanate. The most attractive route to Cirebon is the approach
from Bandung. The best hotel in Cirebon is without doubt Hotel Puri Santika. The guests can have dinner, often with fine seafood, near the swimming pool. Puri Santika is an excellent starting point to visit the very beautiful colonial city centre, its kratons (sultan’s palace forts) and its colonial harbour. 

Only a few tourists make a trip to this town. I hope that the Cirebon municipal government will never try to stimulate tourism. A visit to Cirebon means: no herds of Europeans, no  simple minded Americans and no Japanese walking around obtrusively in a single-minded way.

Cirebon must remain as it is now (please!): for the benefit of the Cirebonese and of myself of course. Mark! “Formerly”, in my text following now, means “in the Dutch period”.

Picture 2. The author Dirk Teeuwen in front of the sentry box near the resident’s office of Cirebon
1. Around Jalan Siliwangi
Picture 3. Beside the City Hall there is much more to see around Jalan Siliwangi, formerly Kadjaksanweg. The colonial Dutch resident’s office, for example, was constructed approximately in 1880

Picture 4 (below, of course). The inner court of the resident’s office.

Picture 5. The front verandah of the resident’s office above-mentioned.

Picture 6. The business-style Dutch railway station from 1929 with its stained windows

Picture 7. The railway station from 1929
 2. Around Cirebon harbour: the Dutch colonial quarter

Picture 8. Dutch trade offices (1924) along Jalan Pasuketan

Picture 9. Flowers from Cirebon: Cirebon beauties, photographed by surprise by the author, during a powdery break
Picture 10. Jalan Pasuketan, formerly Pasoeketan, Bank Escompto in the Dutch period (appr. 1920)
Picture 11. The colonial Clubhouse Phoenix, Sociëteit Phoenix (appr. 1925), along Jalan Yos Sudarso, formerly Tjangkolweg. There is not so much to see on this picture. But the fact, that the clubhouse survived turbulent times, is very remarkable

Picture 12. The Dutch (and Indonesian nowadays) post-office (appr.1925), along present Jalan Yos Sudarso
Picture 13. Bank Indonesia (1915), formerly Javasche Bank, along Jalan Yos Sudarso.
Picture 14. More Dutch business offices (1920) can be find along Jalan Pasuketan, building period 1920-1930.
Jalan Pasuketan runs from the south to the harbour in the north of Cirebon
 3. Kratons, sultan’s palaces of Cirebon

Picture 15. Kraton Kasepuhan from 1528 is a visit for the full value
Picture 16 . A part of the interior of kraton Kasepuhan (1589) in Dutch style

Picture 17. The entrance in Balinese style of kraton Kanoman

Picture 18. One of the reception rooms of kraton Kasepuhan

Picture 19. The author with princess Etcha of kratonKecirebonan, a nice and very hospitable lady.
The small but beautiful kraton (1838) is still occupied by members of the sultan’s family. All the same: visitors are very welcome and so are there donations.

Picture 20. Part of the pendopo of kraton Kecirebonan, Cirebon

Picture 21. Mesjid, mosque, Agung close to kraton Kasepuhan from 1591

4. Cirebon’s colonial harbour
Picture 22. Speaks for itself.

Picture 23. Dutch warehouse from 1918

Picture 24. Another fine example of a Dutch warehouse from the same period.

Picture 25. Our last one! Ofice of the harbour master (1892)

Many Thanks to drs (MSc) D. Teeuwen
© drs (MSc) D. Teeuwen | 2002

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